Yoga Every Damn Day – 30 Day Yoga Challenge!

So, you know yoga_girl on instagram (aka Rachel Brathen)? She’s great! I want to be a handstanding yoga goddess just like her! I was lucky enough to take her workshop (and a picture with her!) in San Jose yesterday and was so inspired by her class I’ve decided to challenge myself with a 30 day yoga practice!


Very ambitious! I’ve practiced yoga on and off for the last 10 years and have been more off these last 2 years, but I am so excited to really get back into yoga! I love how I feel when I’m practicing – relaxed but challenged, learning about new poses but also about myself and my limits, super focused on what’s going on on my mat and forgetting everything else, I just love it! 

I signed up for a 1-month unlimited trial membership at Downtown Yoga Shala and it’s a beautiful studio. Today was day 2 of my challenge and I took a Vinyasa Flow class which is  “A flowing sequence of postures combining breath and movement. Build heat from the inside and out, core strength, stamina and flexibility in this class.” The instructor was great, very challenging but motivating. 

I’m so excited to see where my practice will be in 30 days! Maybe I’ll get to that handstand!